Golden tickets in the famous 1971 film only got the winners tours of a chocolate factory.  Today, golden tickets get five lucky first-time attendees full room, board, and conference admission at KansasFest 2017 thanks to a generous community member contribution.  We got 77 entries for these coveted spots, and one member of our planning committee noted:

This is going to be heartbreaking. So many quality stories here, I feel like I want all these people to go. Then again, if they all go, it’ll be crazy huge and have no room for me. So… 5, picking only 5.

The dice randomly chose 5 winners:

  • 41st entry: David L.
  • 27th entry: Kurt H.
  • 67th entry: Evan K.
  • 19th entry: John P.
  • 55th entry: Lutz B.

The winners will receive a private email with details.  If you think you won but didn’t get an e-mail, contact us.

Registration opens for everybody, golden ticket or otherwise, on March 31.  Do consider coming anyway even without the free ticket. Compared to any other full-week vacation it’s cheap, and most attendees report it to be an amazing, not-to-be-missed, sometimes life-changing experience.