Showing: 97 - 104 of 265 RESULTS
Coverage at Cult of Mac

Coverage at Cult of Mac

David Pierini with Cult of Mac has published a nice series of articles about KansasFest: Apple II fans find themselves in hog heaven at KansasFest This guy makes badly aged Apple computers sparkle again KansasFest solder session proves there’s fun in melting metal KansasFest is a second-chance childhood for one programmer KansasFest: Final notes from …

HackFest 2016

HackFest 2016

We had four excellent HackFest entries.  I’ll let the videos speak for themselves.  You may also download disk images and source code. Please thank our judges, Quinn, Martin, and Kate, for their work to make this all possible.

What’s happening here?

What’s happening here?

Can’t make KansasFest but want to know what’s happening?  Busy with HackFest and missed the latest sessions?  Follow us on Twitter. Also, read the nice story on Cult of Mac. We are recording sessions and will post them as soon as possible.

Beneath KansasFest: HackFest

Beneath KansasFest: HackFest

HackFest participants write original Apple II software entirely at KansasFest.  Considering everybody has a full schedule already, the breadth and quality of the software is amazing.  The videos below speak for themselves.  Also, take a look at the rules and past entries. Spin up your floppy drives and start hacking Wednesday morning.

Photo Roster – KansasFest 2016

The photo roster compiled by Martin Haye at KansasFest 2016 is currently available in PDF format (1.6 MB, version 5 from 7/24/16 11:14am) here: PhotoRoster2016 (The order of the photos is roughly the order Martin encountered people on the Rockhurst campus and is thus nearly random.)

Welcome to KansasFest 2016

Welcome to KansasFest 2016

The KansasFest Planning Committee looks forward to seeing you next week!  We’re committed to everybody having an excellent trip, so please let us know if we may help with anything. Please see our new Welcome to KansasFest page for details about your arrival. Also, the schedule is available.

Beneath KansasFest: Door Signs

KansasFest is more than scheduled sessions.  Hallway discussions, late-night hacking, and crazy contests are all normal.  One of the traditions is a door sign contest.  These aren’t “normal” door signs; KansasFest door signs are often interactive, exhibit unique memorabilia, and involve extensive planning.  Besides showing off your creativity, resourcefulness, and interests, the best signs win fabulous …