Mark Simonsen wows KansasFest — and vice versa
The former president of Beagle Bros used these media in his KansasFest 2010 keynote speech
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
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The former president of Beagle Bros used these media in his KansasFest 2010 keynote speech
With KansasFest 2010 attendees now arriving home, reports and media are surfacing online recapping this year’s Apple II convention.
KansasFest 2010 attendees are invited to participate in the annual HackFest Apple II programming contest and win fabulous prizes.
KansasFest 2010 begins this week. Watch as the Internet erupts in an ecstasy of news and info — here are the sources to watch and join in.
The KansasFest 2010 official schedule can now be viewed online, downloaded as a PDF, or subscribed to via your personal calendar program.
Come to KansasFest and you could win fabulous prizes, from an iPod to a Focus IDE card to 8 Bit Weapon’s latest music album!
Whether you’re flying or driving to KansasFest 2010, Peikop Endropov’s volunteer shuttle service will get you where you need to go.
Did you miss the KansasFest Early Bird registration deadline? Sign up now and get a free subscription to quarterly Apple II journal Juiced.GS!