KansasFest 2010 session update
The KansasFest 2010 schedule is filling up with sessions on BASIC programming, text adventures, dumb terminals, and iPad development.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
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The KansasFest 2010 schedule is filling up with sessions on BASIC programming, text adventures, dumb terminals, and iPad development.
Steve Disbrow’s video recording of the KansasFest 1992 celebrity roast, featuring Roger Wagner, Tom Weishaar, Steve Wozniak, is now on YouTube.
Robert Kenyon of the RetroMacCast forum describes why 2010 may be his first KansasFest.
KansasFest 2010 will feature a garage of Apple II products free for the taking by attendees, courtesy Sean Fahey and James Littlejohn.
KansasFest 2010, the Apple II conference held July 20-25 at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri, is now open for registration!
Here’s a first look at the sessions and presentations being offered at the Apple II convention known as KansasFest 2010.
Google Maps recently spotted Ewen Wannop ambling about England in his KansasFest shirt. Check out these street view photos
Want to present a session at KansasFest 2010? Here’s your first chance to volunteer a presentation.