Do you have an idea for a talk at KansasFest? We’d love to hear your idea! Past sessions have included hardware, software and game demonstrations, and tutorials; integration of the Apple II with other devices; emulators; programming; Apple II history; or any subject that would be of interest to Apple II users. We also love other retro computers, especially if you incorporate into your session how it compares and contrasts with the Apple II. Please look at our schedule of sessions and our YouTube channel for ideas.

We typically accept session proposals until the first week of June. After that, the KFest committee will review all proposals and select a good number to fill out the schedule. We will e-mail you to let you know if your session is accepted.

Note: Talks can either be pre-recorded or live. For pre-recorded, please complete your talk by July 11 so we have time to check the video and audio. Also, for pre-recorded, please plan on attending during your time slot to answer questions.

If you’d like to do a presentation, please fill out this form. If you have a suggestion for a session you’d like to see someone else present, please email us!

"*" indicates required fields

Presenter name*


Talks can either be pre-recorded or live. If pre-recorded, you should plan on showing up for your time slot to answer questions.
We’ll publish this description in our schedule. Please write from a third-person perspective and include your name. For example: “Mighty Mouse will demonstrate how to attach a cape to your Apple II.”
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.