OzFest Australia Linkup
This is a chance for the OzKfest & Kansasfest participants to meet’n’greet, interact, and swap anecdotes about what has been happening at each conference over video chat.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
This is a chance for the OzKfest & Kansasfest participants to meet’n’greet, interact, and swap anecdotes about what has been happening at each conference over video chat.
Michael Sternberg will be running a single elimination Structris competition. Andy Molloy and Mike Maginnis are planning to continue their six-player Star Saga One game from last year. Ken Gagne may headup a Galaga duel. We’ll also try to get 4-6 people together to play the starship cooperative bridge simulator Artemis. Everyone is encouraged to …
Stay in your formalwear after the banquet for the annual KansasFest group photo. Ahh, the memories!
In 1985, computer networking, such as sharing files and printers between computers, was an expensive hodge-podge of proprietary technologies. Apple introduced AppleTalk networking to the foray alongside the original Macintosh. Support for the Apple IIe and IIgs followed. AppleTalk was uniquely low cost, about $50 per computer, and easy to setup. For about 10 years, …
A general overview of historical Disk Copiers and Packers. Copy II Plus, Locksmith and EDD were the best-known copiers, but Disk Muncher, Nibbles Away and others were also used. We all used Shrinkit, but who remembers Blu and Dalton’s Disk Disintegrator? Also includes a side trip into the world of BBSs, Ascii Express and Proterm.
Using the VSDRIVE capability of ADTPro, I will show how even an Apple IIc can have mass storage hosted on a Raspberry Pi…or hosted on a server across the internet…even over WiFi.
Do you want a tiny, silent, $35 network drive for your Apple II? Wait no longer. The Raspberry Pi is here, and A2SERVER easily turns it into a file server for your Apple II computers. At this session, you’ll see A2SERVER and the Raspberry Pi in action, and learn how to put it it to …