Randy Wigginton to be keynote speaker at KansasFest 2013
Randy Wigginton, Apple employee #6 and engineer, will be the keynote speaker at Apple II convention KansasFest 2013, July 23-28.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
Randy Wigginton, Apple employee #6 and engineer, will be the keynote speaker at Apple II convention KansasFest 2013, July 23-28.
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents Ivan Drucker introducing NuInput, a capable replacement for Applesoft’s INPUT command, at KansasFest 2010.
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents Ivan Drucker introducing Slammer, a new method of integrating assembly language with Applesoft, at KansasFest 2010.
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents Wayne Arthurton showing how to optimize Applesoft algorithms at KansasFest 2010.
What will Wayne Arthurton have in store for us? Recent experiments with fractal algorithms in pure Applesoft BASIC have revealed methods for optimizing code to achieve acceptable speeds on my 4Mhz IIc Plus. This session demonstrates the effects of using and optimizing user-defined functions, vari able reuse, variable allocation order, and other techniques for improving …