Mark Simonsen’s keynote speech
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents the KansasFest 2010 keynote speech by Mark Simonsen of Beagle Bros.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents the KansasFest 2010 keynote speech by Mark Simonsen of Beagle Bros.
The Echoes of KFest podcast presents the KansasFest 2010 keynote speech by Mark Simonsen of Beagle Bros.
The former president of Beagle Bros used these media in his KansasFest 2010 keynote speech
Mark Simonsen, employee number three and later owner of Beagle Bros, will be the keynote speaker at KansasFest 2010. At Beagle Bros, whose popular software products for the Apple II hobbyist demonstrated the publisher’s quirky sense of humor, Mark developed software including Flex Type, Beagle BASIC, Beagle Graphics, Triple-Dump, and Double-Take. In the early 1980s, …
Mark Simonsen, former president of Beagle Bros software company, will be the keynote speaker at Apple II convention KansasFest in July 2010.