Lunch at Massman Hall.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
Lunch at Massman Hall.
Free evening to mill about Rockhurst or go into town, usually to visit the Apple Store.
Stay in your formalwear after the banquet for the annual KansasFest group photo. Ahh, the memories!
Stay in your formalwear after the banquet for the annual KansasFest group photo in the soccer field bleachers. Ahh, the memories!
Don’t miss Melissa Barron. Through custom coding and modification, Melissa has modified the classic Oregon Trail to use in-game text that?s a blend of l337, chatspeak, and LOLcats syntax. Learn about the process of hacking this game and see it in action on an Apple IIc.
From Geoff Weiss. GNO/ME is an open source UNIX-like extension for the Apple IIgs. Version 2.0.6 was released in 1999 (now being presented at KFest for the very first time) and has been often described as a central component to what would be included if GS/OS would have advanced. Topics covered will include how it …
By Stavros Karatsoridis. Ever want to use your Apple II as a terminal for your Macintosh? Come learn what cables, adapters, and software are needed to connect your Apple II to the Terminal application in Mac OS X.
What will Wayne Arthurton have in store for us? Recent experiments with fractal algorithms in pure Applesoft BASIC have revealed methods for optimizing code to achieve acceptable speeds on my 4Mhz IIc Plus. This session demonstrates the effects of using and optimizing user-defined functions, vari able reuse, variable allocation order, and other techniques for improving …