Apple’s Growing Divide Between Users and Programmers
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents a panel discussion about Apple’s growing divide between users and programmers at KansasFest 2010.
Apple II convention – July 15–20, 2025
The Echoes of KFest video podcast presents a panel discussion about Apple’s growing divide between users and programmers at KansasFest 2010.
The Apple II was in production from 1977 to 1993. From early interest to broad adoption to being over shadowed by the Mac, followed by cancellation, diehard support, and retrocomputing revitalization, the machine has survived many eras and purposes. What was the golden age of the Apple II? What constituted its heyday, and how long …
The Echoes of KFest podcast presents a panel on Apple’s evolution from the open architecture of the Apple II to the closed system of the iPhone and iPad.