Showing: 9 - 16 of 30 RESULTS
Juiced.GS: The Next Generation

Juiced.GS: The Next Generation

Hosted by Ken Gagne. Juiced.GS, now the longest-running and last remaining Apple II publication in print, has been providing retrocomputing enthusiasts with news, reviews, interviews, and how-tos for 15 years. Where do we go from here? The past, present, and future of this quarterly Apple II journal merge in three exciting announcements that will change Juiced.GS …

73H 0r3g0n 7r41L Game Mod

73H 0r3g0n 7r41L Game Mod

Don’t miss Melissa Barron. Through custom coding and modification, Melissa has modified the classic Oregon Trail to use in-game text that?s a blend of l337, chatspeak, and LOLcats syntax. Learn about the process of hacking this game and see it in action on an Apple IIc.

You’re happy if you GNO it

You’re happy if you GNO it

From Geoff Weiss. GNO/ME is an open source UNIX-like extension for the Apple IIgs. Version 2.0.6 was released in 1999 (now being presented at KFest for the very first time) and has been often described as a central component to what would be included if GS/OS would have advanced. Topics covered will include how it …

Optimizing Algorithms in Applesoft BASIC

Optimizing Algorithms in Applesoft BASIC

What will Wayne Arthurton have in store for us? Recent experiments with fractal algorithms in pure Applesoft BASIC have revealed methods for optimizing code to achieve acceptable speeds on my 4Mhz IIc Plus. This session demonstrates the effects of using and optimizing user-defined functions, vari able reuse, variable allocation order, and other techniques for improving …

Classic Gaming Inspirations, Part Deux

Classic Gaming Inspirations, Part Deux

Don’t miss Ken Gagne. The Apple II was a fantastic gaming machine. You may not have daily access to this vintage hardware, but many of its best entertainment titles have been remade for the Macintosh. Revisit classics like Arkanoid, GShisen, and Dark Castle in this session that showcases the best of new and old.



From Martin Haye. Super-Mon is a set of fancy extensions to the Apple II system monitor. This fairly technical session will follow the creation of a small but interesting assembly language program that demonstrates the concepts and capabilities of Super-Mon.



Before there was the first-person shooter, there was the second-person thinker. Come watch a one-hour cut of Jason Scott?s two-DVD documentary, GET LAMP, that covers the history, impact, programmers, and gamers of text adventures and interactive fiction.